Since many people haven't been able to even load up the seriously slow and poorly designed Killzone 2 website, I decided to post this here. Ebolt recently wrote the following:

"Hey Killzone players! We launched a hotfix patch today and you guys might be wondering why we took out bots! Let me explain in FAQ form!

Online bots were cool, why take them out?

They were cool indeed! However, players started using them to 'pad' their stats and ranked up insanely quick. To prevent the entire community of doing so, we have temporarily removed them from Online. You can still play them in Skirmish mode!

Are you going to bring them back?

Yes we definitely are! This patch was a hotfix, meaning it was a quick and dirty temporary fix! We are hard at work for a proper fix and you will see Online bots return very soon!

Why didn't you prevent this from happening, you bunch of dutch idiots?

We did not test bots in the Public Beta and honestly, it bit us in the ass! My personal apologies!

What about people who already padded their stats?

We are investigating if we can rectify those accounts but I cannot say much about that yet. Keep checking this forum for updates!"

So there you have it. They admitted they didn't test this HUGE flaw in beta...WTF guys? Were your headsup your asses or what? Oh, and stat padded accts, beware! You are losing your stats!


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