There has been a swirl of mystery around the new J.J. Abrams film, but who wouldn't expect that after the success of Lost and it's internet entities? Like Lost, Abrams is using the internet for viral marketing.
And it's working.
ARG's, or Alternate Reality Games, are a growing way for game developers and film exectutives to get the buzz they are looking for. From Bungie with the Halo related "ilovebees" to Abrams' ingenious Lost ARG, it's evident that this form of advertising is effective.
So I bring you to this film. It doesn't have a name, but we know it is a monster movie. My sources tell me that the monster is original, not someone else's IP. So all you Voltron geeks, I'm sorry. This just ain't it. No Godzilla either.
In fact, my source tells me that the final design of the monster has not yet been decided. Well if I was Abrams, I wouldn't tell anyone, not even the cast, what it looked like unless I wanted it to get leaked out. Let's face it. Stars leak things too.
The origin of the monster is said to be Japan. One of the main characters is wearing a Slusho shirt. Japan is where the Slusho drink is manufactured. Another of the main characters is leaving for a job in Japan. A Slusho job? The history of the Slusho company involves finding some secret ingredient from the deepest parts of the sea.
The official Website. Currently if you go there, you can click and move around 5 or 6 different photos. None of them reveal much, other than a distinct timeline of what happened. This closely follows the footage from the trailer. Also, if you click on the corner of the photos and drag real fast, you can flip the photos over. Some of them have writing. If you leave the official website open for at least 6 minutes, you will hear the monster's roar. The official Slusho website. Confirmed by Abrams' camp to be connected to the film. Pretty nifty little Flash site with a lot of interesting revelations. Particularly in the "History" section. A quick read-through lends more to the "monster from the sea, upset by Slusho" theory.
Abrams' camp has had to debunk a few faked viral sites claiming to be connected. Aside from the two confirmed official ones, there are these official MySpace pages:
Beth McIntrye - 26, seems to be looking for Mr. Right Rob Hawkins - "Robbie", 26 Hudson Platt - "Platt", 26, comic book geek and probably the group clown. Sadly I can identify every character in the background pics used for his page. Lily Ford - 26, very liberal, maybe the loud opinionated character. Marlena Diamond - 26, not sure what type she is. Jamie Rascano - 25, the party girl of the group. JJ Hawkins - 28, guessing the "J" from the flipped pics because the writing is so different from Jamie.
Before we leave you, we'd like to share with you the awesome trailer as well as a photo leaked from the set. The photo comes from You can visit there for a few more shots of the set.
As always, stay tuned to for more updates on this and other great stories!
I know, some of you have probably seen it. However, there are still many who have not had a chance. I think it's important people see the red band trailer for this film, because the green band trailers (if there are any) just wouldn't have the same effect this trailer has.
Oh yeah. This movie is gonna kick ass. Why was I even worried? I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have!
Direct from the set of the new Batman film The Dark Knight comes this handycam footage of the new "BatCycle", lovingly called "the BatPod". As with all of our leaked video footage, we think it speaks for itself. So sit back and enjoy!
We have come across the leaked information about the coming Fall XBOX 360 dashboard update. We have also discovered that this update may just happen when the XBL service goes down on September 10th! Microsoft has been working hard to keep this under wraps, deleting threads on their forums and asking partners to do the same. However, we contol the media, and refused to be contained! So here in it's full glory is the list of what to expect in the Fall update!
* Compatibility with 3rd party wireless controllers * Compatibility with messenger pad * Xbox Live Vision firmware upgrade, sharper image filtering * Many more Vision Cam settings * New screensaver settings - when away from Xbox 360, screensaver will play for optional time, before screen goes dark * New Xbox Live Arcade blade - where you can download, play and learn about Xbox Live Arcade * Brand new “web based adver-games” flash games which aren’t downloaded, but are playable bite sized games, accessed via new Xbox Live Arcade Blade * New Screensaver option in Themes and Gamer Pics option in Marketplace blade * New functionality with Messenger, works with chatpad * New XNA Game Launcher for those that have the program, new options * New language, time and date settings * New “advertising opportunities” in gameplay * Xvid support * New “favourites” option via Xbox Live Arcade, can rate according to preference * IPTV Functionality - support for TiVo like PVR options. Will be able to record TV direct. Options include source by channel, director, actor and distributor * Filter friends list, will be able to filter friends via games * New clan support - will be able to launch clan games direct from dashboard, can “fold” friends into new clan category in friends list * Better translations in settings and other options for Japanese, German and Spanish languages * New quick option to delete via X Button in memory viewer * Option for having downloadable In-game content not inform when completed download * Option for having video content not inform when completed download * Faster settings for viewing unfinished video content downloads * New option in Games tab - beta and others, will be launcher for MMO and multiplayer betas * New option in Marketplace Games tab, search by letter, can be inputted via text pad or console * Smarter game settings - you can be messaged via publishers about new in-game content for your games * Picture in picture functionality for DVD Drive and some other updated settings * Improved USB Keyboard settings * Improved voice chat settings in game and from dashboard * Faster response times to Redeem Code settings * Option to play a Redeemed Code game straight after redeeming code * Console will now recognise low Hard Drive space, will inform you immediately if can’t download current item, will automatically download next available that is able * Increased space size for gamerpics and dashboard themes * Themes can now be animated * Themes may now have sound effects * Better slideshow capabilitiesm new options added. New sound effects and integration with Hard Drive/ PC music capable * New estimated timer for downloads, informing how long download will expect to take
We have finally provided for you what you really want. A trailer for the new Iron Man film. Granted, this is the trailer from the Comic-Con 2007 show less than 2 months ago, but it is the official trailer from what we have heard. According to the director, the trailer will be shown across all venues on the 10th and 11th of September.
The only possibility is that the trailer shown in 3 days time is merely a teaser, and the one below will be the full theatrical trailer. I guess we will all see for sure in 3 days! At any rate, enjoy!
That's right all you happy COD4 beta testers! You can officially level your guy up to 16 today, unlocking new weapons and perks. The cap increase should go live by 2pm Pacific.
Also, according to the developers, the cap will continue to raise throughout the beta, allowing testers to experience most of what the MP has to offer.
Fresh on the heels of our breaking news last week on the possibility of Plasmids as Bioshock DLC, today we get proof, and from the most inconspicuous of places...the game itself!
The many .ini files included in the PC installation of the game not only confirmed our earlier story, it expands it! The question is, with the first pack being so small, and so many unreleased plasmids left to go, how much are they planning to charge us for this content?
So without further ado, I bring you the entire list of Plasmids we shall expect as DLC:
Pack 1: Machine Buster Sonic Boom EVE Saver Vending Expert
Future Packs: Life Drain (and upgrades) Machine Bully Revival Telekenesis 2 Air Blast 2 Electric Bolt Zero
We've been open for quite some time now, and the look of the site had grown quite stale. So I figured it was time to upgrade the visuals around here. If the site looks different all of a sudden, don't panic. Anyways, we like it, and hope that you do too.
So it seems this story is more news worthy than many originally thought. In the last few days, this story has exploded across the internet, radio, and television in what has to be described as a wildfire of controversy.
Amoung the venues reporting the story are Fox News, who neglected to even link back to the original source. Now not that I care or anything, but what that also did was blind their readers/viewers from the truth of the article, such as photos and other large respected venues also reporting the same thing.
All Fox News did was talk to Joel Silver, who simply stated that Larry was still a man.
Well, duh! Joel Silver is the main money man behind Speed Racer (as well as all the Wachowski's previous films). He is simply afraid of the backlash this controversy could have on his upcoming children's film. Let's face it, the majority of parents would not take their child to see the film if tey knew it was directed by a transsexual. Church groups of course would have their own protests.
That's not to say the film still wouldn't do ok, assuming it didn't just outright suck of course, but this is certainly not the type of press they were aiming for.
So let's all thank Joel Silver for the expected denial, regardless of all the photos (not just the ones shown on this site), other venues, and eyewitness reports.
And to Fox News, shame on you. As one of the largest news venues in the world, you should know that it is disrespectful and wrong to not link your sources. But unlike you, I link mine. Just like I linked you over a year ago when your same reporter did a story on this very thing, yet today he is "shocked"? Get real. Faux News...