Posted by
Jason Triplett
WBKO has officially apologized for the incident, and explained that it was a former weatherman who stole the tape and leaked it. Because WBKO acknowledged and apologized for the tape even existing, I am going to remove the video from my site.
I have begun to think about how embarrassed Chris must feel, and from today on I personally will not help add to that embarrassment. I feel Chris was sincere when he said the following:
"This video - which was never intended to be seen outside of the station - was part of a joke that was played on me during a lighter moment off the air several years ago. I regret that a former employee has decided it is something that everyone should see and took the liberty of posting it on the internet. I am embarrassed by the whole ordeal and humbly apologize for anyone offended by my actions."
If you'd like to read the whole public apology for yourself, please visit the link at the bottom of the page. If you MUST see the video, there are other sites that have it. Just not here.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Posted by
Jason Triplett
There ya have it folks, YouTube has "permanently disabled" my account, so if some vids are missing, please be patient while I re-up them. Oh yeah, YouTube? Fuck you.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Posted by
Jason Triplett
Reports are coming in that some K-Mart locations may be selling Halo 3 early. The store is apparently stocking the regular edition in the game case with everything else.
I have checked the K-Mart in my local area, an there were none in the case.
There is one common thread throughout the reports though, and that is that these people are afraid of getting banned. We have even had suggestions mailed in on the best way not to get banned if you do happen to get the game early.
The most common mentioned method is of course not playing while connected to Live. Furthermore, you have to stay disconnected from Live until the game launch, otherwise the achievements will show online. However, if you stay disconnected until the 25th, the achievements will still be date stamped. So don't be surprised if a lot of people pop up on release day with most or all of the achievements. Be sure to check their date stamp!
Now I am not gonna guess on whether or not Bungie or MS will ban people. Who knows in this case. But if you DO get the game early, wherever you get it, maybe it might be a good idea to stay offline for a week or so.
We welcome you to share your stories of early purchases with us in the comments thread below.
Sunday, September 16, 2007