Outdated? Not for long.
Yeah, so I've been away for a while. But don't worry. I'll be updating a lot more frequently now. Stick around and enjoy!
Yeah, so I've been away for a while. But don't worry. I'll be updating a lot more frequently now. Stick around and enjoy!
Finally, after all the news lately about the new Nolan helmed Batman film, we finally get a set shot from The Dark Knight Rises
! Looks great!
Hooray for Peter Jackson! He finally teased us with some set pics from the upcoming epic The Hobbit
Yeah, it happened a while back on the set of Jennifer's Body. Yeah, she was mad. But Megan Fox
can't stop the power of the internet. When you go nude in a film, even on a protected set, chances are SOMETHING is gonna leak. To this day, she still doesn't know who released them. I feel sorry for the person if she ever finds out!
So by now we all know the first photo, revealing the new Wonder Woman costume. Of course, nerds the world over raged and fussed until the studio finally made the changes in the two following pics (which are also on set)! I like it better!
So here are some new photos from the set of the upcoming Spider-Man reboot. I can't say I'm a fan of the new costume...
Finally something from the new Planet of the Apes reboot! Though just a small shot, you can see the great attention to detail put into the CGI work.
Ugh. This is supposed to be a "remake"? Just like everything else over at MTV, this sucks complete ass.