Saints Row DLC problems!

Posted by Jason Triplett Saturday, September 02, 2006

So I met up with some of the viewers of the site to show off this gear. Below is a photo I took to show this meeting. They told me that none of these items are appearing on my guy, instead it shows as default clothing. This screen was to show them what I see on my screen.

So what happened? Why is it on my screen and not the others? Well the following is what I was told by a Volition developer:

"I just got some advice some developers here that there are some bugs with the DLC that are getting fixed with the patch -- bugs people weren't really supposed to see.

I'm going to advise you to delete that content- as cool as it is-

Go to your xbox dashboard, system, memory- and you should be able to delete it. Otherwise, you may experience some weird problems with this currently unsupported content."

So this means that every September XBOX kiosk disk is defective, giving bad content. The Dead Rising content I got from the same disk is also not working. However, I will be vindicated if the content is fixed and stays the same, for you will all see it first hand.

In the meantime, please don't transfer this stuff to your game until you are sure the disks are replaced. Otherwise, you'll see the items on yourself, but they don't show up online. These disks hit XBOX in-store kiosks as ealy as the 28th of August. The devs know of this issue now and are addressing it.

  1. This is some fucked up shit man. i hope they fix this soon. Hope it isn't a sign of things to come...

    Posted on 6:03 PM


    Another developer response to this situation...

    Posted on 6:07 PM

  3. Make sure you don't download the stuf if you do see the disk. Developers are now telling me that it can damage your save file.

    Posted on 6:11 PM


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