Dead Rising Review

Posted by Justin Gain Monday, September 11, 2006

So I've been sitting at my computer for weeks trying to decide the right approach for doing this review. I was going to go all IGN and professional on it and highlight key points and what not. But then I realized...this isn't IGN. So I'm just going to give you my straight up opinion on the matter. Dead Rising is the kind of game that you are going to either love or hate. Myself, I adore the game with every fiber of my being. The reason for this is simple. The options. There are so many ways to kill zombies in this game, that you will forget how many you've done. Each weapon feels different in my opinion too. For instance when you smash a Zombie with a sledgehammer, the effect is drastically different then if you sliced them in half with a katana, and this is where the game shines. A lot of people complain about the save system in the game. However, I see it as a herald back to old school gaming where you had to make choices carefully, and didnt have Save points every second. That adds a lot of intensity to the game. Another area where this game shines is the storyline. The fact that you can decide to do the case files to uncover bits and pieces to the mystery was an amazing way to play it out, because you are never really sure what's exactly going on until the very end when it all comes together. The only thing that really bugged me, which I'm sure bugged 9/10ths of the people who played this game, was Otis and his walkie talkie. It wouldn't have been so bad if you could attack while on the walkie talkie, but you can't and when you get mauled by a Zombie while listening to him, you have to pick the phone up all over again and listen to his rambling all over again. Other than that, this game is like a golden prize at the bottom of a crappy cereal (the game being the prize, and the summer slump being the crappy cereal). So in conclusion, I believe that EVERYONE who owns a 360 must at least play this game once.


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