Larry Wachowski's sex change is complete, first photo emerges!

Posted by Jason Triplett Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First, I direct you to our previous article, which revealed the truth behind Larry Wachowski's rumored sex change.

Posted over a year ago, we had no inkling of how far his transformation would go...until now.

Here is a shot of larry a few years back, when he fist began taking the female hormone therapy:

Another photo, about a year and a half later:

And this newly released photo from a rare public appearance earlier this year:

The duo will now just be known as "The Wachowskis", dropping the "brothers" part of their name. It is expected that Larry, now called Lana, will actually speak to the press about this for the first time, but not until after the Speed Racer film is out. The current feeling is that his sex change could hurt the family image the Speed Racer film is going for.

It is also expected that Andy will do all the press for the Speed Racer film, with Larry/Lana staying in the background for the above reason.

Dateline NBC is still rumored to have exclusivity of Larry/Lana's first public interview, but it has to be on his terms, not theirs.

More on this as we get it!

  1. Anonymous Said,

    I'd hit it.

    Posted on 12:17 AM

  2. Nick Said,

    The proper terminology now would be "her/she."

    Posted on 2:24 AM

  3. autor Said,

    FYI, these two photos are far more than 1 year older

    Posted on 8:07 AM

  4. Thater Said,

    This is absolute rubbish.

    Posted on 9:19 AM

  5. Anonymous Said,


    Posted on 10:28 AM

  6. Anonymous Said,

    Let us just call it a shim

    Posted on 10:29 AM

  7. Anonymous Said,

    I wish her the best.

    Posted on 2:24 PM

  8. Anonymous Said,

    >>I'd hit it.<<

    With a Stick

    Posted on 2:32 PM

  9. Anonymous Said,

    in response the the person who said that they would "hit it"

    I would like to point out that physical asault is just as illegal if your victim is transgender as it is if they are not.

    So therefore you could very likely be arrested if you "hit" HER

    Posted on 12:09 PM

  10. Anonymous Said,

    Dear clueless newbie. Please lurk more. The term "hit it" means "I would like to engage in sexual intercourse with that person".

    You are welcome.

    Posted on 5:24 PM

  11. Anonymous Said,

    I'd let "her" blow me but that is about it! ;)

    Posted on 6:54 PM

  12. Anonymous Said,


    who's the idiot that doesn't know what "hit it" means?


    Posted on 8:03 PM

  13. Anonymous Said,

    Wondering is she is still dating former Professional Dominatrix Ilsa Strix...

    Posted on 8:52 PM

  14. Anonymous Said,

    i'd hit it like the fist of an angry god.

    Posted on 11:48 AM

  15. bloodyhell Said,

    while "hit it" does mean sexual intercourse, i dont think shed appreciate being fucked with a stick, asshat...

    Posted on 11:51 AM

  16. Anonymous Said,

    You're all either chauvinistic or retarded meatheads, with the exception of those willing to accept Lana as she is.

    Posted on 12:47 PM

  17. Anonymous Said,

    I can't wait until part four when Neo tucks it back while dancing in front of a mirror, saying "I'd fuck me... I'd fuck me hard."

    Morpheus: "It puts the lotion on its skin, or it gets the hose again."

    Posted on 10:58 PM

  18. Anonymous Said,

    'twould do us little good to accept it as it is, since it's still in the process of changing.

    Posted on 11:14 PM

  19. Anonymous Said,

    and you're taking this thread of comments way too seriously.

    Posted on 6:18 AM

  20. Anonymous Said,

    Come on, who hasn't thought about chopping off their own dick? At least he could afford to do it with more sophisticated tools than ice, a rubber band, and a meat cleaver.

    Posted on 11:23 AM

  21. Anonymous Said,

    to all those who are explaining what "hit it" means to that post-look up the term SARCASM!

    Posted on 3:51 PM

  22. Anonymous Said,

    Ha! I never new he was a fag, or mentally unstable.

    It's one or the other.

    Posted on 4:28 PM

  23. Anonymous Said,

    Wow... nice to know the lower primates have access to the internet. Now how's about we gt them educated above a fifth grade level before they make the rest of us look like transphobic inbred rednecks... oops, never mind.

    Grow the fuck up.

    Posted on 6:10 PM

  24. Anonymous Said,

    There is no penis.

    Posted on 7:06 PM

  25. Anonymous Said,

    Who cares?!?!?! As long as you don't F*** up speed racer.... do it as a guy or girl... or both. Just make Kiler movies, not matrix 2.

    Posted on 10:06 PM

  26. 54N71460 Said,

    oh, sorry! please forgive us. how could we forget that changing one's sex is normal?

    Posted on 10:37 PM

  27. Unknown Said,

    Good for her! That is sooooo awesome! I would too if only I had the financial wherewithal.

    Posted on 10:44 PM

  28. Anonymous Said,

    Wow, just three photos you see see how much happier she is now. I hope she continues in filmaking, it's a stressful time I can imagine but she would be greatly missed.

    Posted on 11:56 PM

  29. Anonymous Said,

    I like Race Cars. VROOOOMMMMM!

    Posted on 12:08 AM

  30. the clicker Said,

    I'm waiting for them to remake "Glen or Glenda?"

    Posted on 12:25 AM

  31. Unknown Said,

    Congrats to Lana, I hope the changes she has made in her life please & fulfill her.

    Posted on 12:34 AM

  32. Anonymous Said,

    Way cuter as Lana - seems happier too. Pity about the big hands - no small cocktails. (obtuse Priscilla reference)

    Posted on 2:53 AM

  33. Chris Said,

    If Elton John can do music for Disney, why is there such a fuss about "family image"?

    Posted on 3:14 AM

  34. Anonymous Said,

    Why are so many people threatened by this, or feel the need to lash out? Personally, I don't care for being lumped in with transgenders via "LGBT", but that doesn't mean I make a douchenozzle of myself in blog comments.

    Posted on 5:36 AM

  35. Unknown Said,

    Meh. I'm expecting that this new version will be a lot lamer than the first with a lot of needless philosophizing, a bunch of unpleasant changes, a more convoluted story, fewer decent fights, and a bad rave scene.

    Posted on 5:54 AM

  36. Anonymous Said,

    Nothing quite as funny as posters actually trying to respond seriously to someone whose sole post is "I'd hit it."

    Posted on 8:33 AM

  37. xoe c Said,

    wow. it hurts to see just how backwards and ignorant people are.

    Posted on 9:28 AM

  38. Anonymous Said,

    The immaturity, transphobia and homophobia expressed here is simply AMAZING! The age here must be about 13.

    Posted on 10:13 AM

  39. Anonymous Said,

    "Anonymous said...
    You're all either chauvinistic or retarded meatheads, with the exception of those willing to accept Lana as she is.

    10:47 AM"

    Wow, that's not the single-minded mentality that gets preached against at all...
    That's like if I said "You're all either whiny spineless cowards or mindless drones, with the exception of those willing to accept what I say as absolute truth without question."

    Get back to the herd... the other mindless cattle need your support.

    Posted on 11:12 AM

  40. Anonymous Said,

    Just by what I've seen on this post, It is evident that the mentality level of most, is far below Neanderthal level. It is sad that some can have stupid comments like this with out having any type of knowledge of the subject. I'm sorry to bitch but, grow up!

    Posted on 11:23 AM

  41. Anonymous Said,

    There is no such thing as a sex change. His penis was mutilated look like a Vulva, There is no way for him to have children as there is no uterus and ovaries, he does not mensturate, when looking at the chromosomal makeup of his DNA, you will notice that it still XY and not XX. The breasts will either be implants or hormonaly enlarged but still will not be capable of lactating. He is not a woman. but a self muiltilated man. And self mutiliation is a sign of insanity.

    But I wish him all the luck in the world.

    Posted on 11:30 AM

  42. Anonymous Said,

    Yes Mark, because sexuality is totally black-and-white and only connected to biology. Douchebag.

    You know, the majority of the comments here are the enlightened and totally unignorant commentary I'd expect from people who've seen The Matrix 957 times.

    Posted on 12:23 PM

  43. Anonymous Said,


    Well said.

    So about what, maybe 10% thinks this is a "normal" thing that someone would do? So with all the things going on in the world, I think: "WHO CARES WHAT SOMEONE ELSE DOES TO THEIR BODY"

    However, I still think it's a completely ridiculous thing to do to oneself. I would have to agree, this is borderline mental disorder.

    Again, I don't care what someone does, but I think it's impossible to argue that this is something that I should "accept". I don't have to accept this anymore than "he/she" should accept my non-acceptance of something I find absolutely repulsive and abnormal.

    To the individual though, best of luck with that, and whatever makes you happy. Really though, hasn't anyone taken this person aside and really asked, "Why do you want to do this?" I'm sure it's happened, but seriously?

    Posted on 12:37 PM

  44. Tom Tom Said,

    what he said ^

    Posted on 1:29 PM

  45. Anonymous Said,

    It’s interesting that people think they have the right to feel superior to a person who was born with a gender that did not match her sex. Like most Transsexuals, Lana was a success as her perceived gender and will be successful again as her true gender. Try walking in those shoes.
    Tran sexuality is a birth abnormality no less than being born without a limb. There is no cure for either but people learn to cope. The only way to reconcile a brain of one gender with the body of another sex is to change the body and that takes far more courage than most men possess.
    There are transsexuals serving in every branch of the armed forces today including Special Forces. I and many others served in Nam. Children with caring parents are coming out and are transitioning as early as two to five years old now that physicians are aware of the condition.
    Tammi Dee

    Posted on 1:34 PM

  46. Anonymous Said,

    Hate to break this to you but I just spent time with Larry in Germany. And he is definitely still Larry!

    Posted on 1:45 PM

  47. Antinous Said,

    Definitely cuter as a chick. Also, happier looking.

    Posted on 1:56 PM

  48. Unknown Said,

    Hey, I say we call it a Sherm. Wow let all ask it to run for president... we couldn't do any worse. & LAMO @ "there is no penis"

    Posted on 2:49 PM

  49. Anonymous Said,

    WOW! i'm amazed by the number of first year undergrads who've met their first gay, bi or transgender person in the last year and decided to take on the '13 year olds' on the internet and tackle their prejudices wherever they arise.

    further, all this nonsense about accepting 'lana' as she is and being happy for her - what a load of cack. like you actually give a shit. for all you know 'lana' is a total ass hole. and judging by the brothers' creative output, which i have had to injure, i'd say that's pretty likely.

    Posted on 4:29 PM

  50. Anonymous Said,

    Funny that you claim to have "spent time in Germany with Larry", but you remain anonymous. What a crock of bullshit. I saw him/her at a comic show not too long ago and he/she definately looked like a chick then...

    Posted on 4:30 PM

  51. Anonymous Said,

    Also funny that the Wachowski's have been in LA for the last few years straight working on The Invasion and now Speed Racer.

    I'd like to see when he had a chance to go to Germany...Germany of all places.

    Posted on 4:32 PM

  52. Anonymous Said,

    i felt my intelligence dropping even as i read all your comments. i got misogyny, immaturity, homophobia and i'm i feel sorry that these people actually think this.

    grow up fucktards.

    Posted on 6:29 PM

  53. Unknown Said,

    He's a damned ugly woman. You go girl.

    Posted on 7:12 PM

  54. Anonymous Said,

    "You're all either chauvinistic or retarded meatheads, with the exception of those willing to accept Lana as she is."

    Ironic, given that *Larry* wasn't willing to accept Larry as he was.

    Posted on 8:04 AM

  55. Anonymous Said,

    No one cares. He'll burn in Hell and that'll be the end of it.

    Posted on 10:48 AM

  56. Anonymous Said,

    It's a pity taking female hormone therapy isn't enough to grow hair on his/her head. Now s/he will have to wear a cap if s/he doesn't want to look like a chick with male pattern baldness.

    Posted on 12:56 PM

  57. Anonymous Said,

    Larry Wachowski is transgender, though he publically remains "in the closet" about it. He has been undergoing hormone therapy for years, thus the developing breasts. He has not fully taken the transsexual step.

    Larry apparently thinks he / she / neither is a new gender all to himself (I am not making this up). Anybody who knows him, however, understands this. I mean, he is so incredibly arrogant, and filled with unwarranted feelings of entitlement... actually, sexuality issue aside, he's quite gross to be around.

    The real mess was the wild mood swings and poor judgment on the Matrix sequel sets. Only sleaze bag liars like Producer Joel Silver would try to hide this. With good reason, too. The sequels may have made some money, but they lost millions more due to the way Larry's creative output was diminished by the hormone therapy (not to mention his crazy treatment of others).

    And yes, the preferred name (in private) is Lana.

    But here's the kicker: big old doormat dufus Andy dresses in women's clothes, too!

    Posted on 2:18 PM

  58. Anonymous Said,

    According to gossip columnist Roger Friedman, this rumour is bogus. So he said in the Fox411 column a few says ago.

    Posted on 2:47 PM

  59. Anonymous Said,

    "According to gossip columnist Roger Friedman, this rumour is bogus. So he said in the Fox411 column a few says ago."

    Except Friedman failed to break this story himself over a year ago, so now he makes shit up to counter a valid story.

    Faux News FTW.

    Posted on 2:51 PM

  60. Anonymous Said,

    "According to gossip columnist Roger Friedman, this rumour is bogus. So he said in the Fox411 column a few says ago."

    Not so fast. Friedman said the rumor about the sex change was not true. Correct. Larry Wachowski has not completed surgery. He is NOT transsexual.

    Friedman also relies on people who have a vested interest in keeping Larry in the closet; i.e. those who want the family audience to come in and $ee Speed Racer (e.g. producer Joel Silver, the liar).

    As I said above:

    Larry Wachowski is transgender, though he publically remains "in the closet" about it. He has been undergoing hormone therapy for years, thus the developing breasts. He has not fully taken the transsexual step.

    For the moment, Larry / Lana has chickened out. But keep tuned on this one.

    Posted on 4:32 PM

  61. Anonymous Said,

    Still looks like a man :-\

    Posted on 7:49 AM

  62. Anonymous Said,

    Why is it that some guy’s have to go out of their way to show that they are not gay?! Whenever a controversy such as this comes along I notice that some guys almost feel compelled to sound-off with very derogatory language. You don’t see us women going around saying bad things about Rosie O’Donnell or making homophobic jokes in jest with each other. Seems to me that masculinity is a very frail and viciously protected thing! It’s like all the men are going; see how I’m against transgendered people, that means I’m a regular guy. Whenever I see a guy act out like this, It makes me wonder what he’s really suppressing.

    Posted on 2:07 AM

  63. Anonymous Said,

    Is anyone else kinda visualizing Mr./Ms. Garrison?

    Scissor me timbers!!

    Posted on 8:21 PM

  64. Anonymous Said,

    Anonymous said...
    Why is it that some guy’s have to go out of their way to show that they are not gay?! Whenever a controversy such as this comes along I notice that some guys almost feel compelled to sound-off with very derogatory language. You don’t see us women going around saying bad things about Rosie O’Donnell or making homophobic jokes in jest with each other. Seems to me that masculinity is a very frail and viciously protected thing! It’s like all the men are going; see how I’m against transgendered people, that means I’m a regular guy. Whenever I see a guy act out like this, It makes me wonder what he’s really suppressing.

    I find these kinds of statements endlessly amusing. Without arguing over definitions of masculine and feminine, we do have different names. Someone always derides masculine because it isn’t feminine enough. So, you must accept to think and act like others or we will criticize and even ostracize you. Hypocrisy rules.

    Posted on 9:42 AM

  65. Unknown Said,

    there is now solid data available suggesting that men who engage in homophobic verbal violence are aroused by sexual imagery of men with other men. it's just so very rewarding to witness the closeted trolls with their internalized homophobia, because it's so obvious that it's all a pose to mask their homoerotic urges and make themselves look macho to other men. note: macho is a real turn on for some gay men, so you're well on your ways to fulfilling sex. hahahah...signed: a quite sane, very happy, no-longer-suicidal post-operative transexual woman dyke from Canada.

    Posted on 5:10 PM

  66. Anonymous Said,

    cun'ass fumbling nutsack

    Posted on 12:41 PM

  67. Anonymous Said,


    Posted on 11:13 AM

  68. Anonymous Said,

    why do women think they can analyse men the way they do. Look we dont understand you and if you say you understand us then you are deluded.
    Earlier someone tried to defend the notion saying it was abnormal.
    Just look this up in the dictionary and draw your own conclusions 'ABNORMAL'
    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just cause it doesnt agree with yours there is no need to slag them off, and the use of retard is a very derogatory statement.
    so for some of you its ok to put a lable on mentally challenged people but when someone starts slagging off Transexuals etc you jump on your pedastool...F**king hypocrites.

    Posted on 8:29 AM

  69. Anonymous Said,

    She looks good. I'm happy for Lana, and hope she keeps working in film.

    Those of you who are being immature and ignorant about this (you know who you are) are being shunned.

    Posted on 9:16 PM

  70. OzBurger Said,

    Posted on 11:52 AM

  71. Anonymous Said,

    Must have taken the wrong pill...

    Posted on 3:33 AM

  72. Anonymous Said,

    I just thought I'd say I could care less what someone I've never met before does with their lives.Of course I am as curious about things as anyone else,but I don't see why so many people care about what celebrities do with their lives.And I don't understand why so many people care what complete strangers say or think.But really,I wanted to post just because I wanted to have my name displayed and not be an anonymous pussy.

    Posted on 4:02 PM

  73. True Said,

    For years I used to make fun of gays and lesbians. I'd tormented them, laugh. I won't go into detail, but I said some really mean things. Somethimes the boys would create jokes about ME. I was mad. I wanted to fit in. So, I 'd keep my distance away from gays. The boys would always wonder why I'd get so upset, when they where only kidding about my sexual orientation. They where joking. I was serious....I continued to torment the gays.

    Then one day I had a mental breakdown, heard voices and everything. But,... They where female voices. They were telling me everything I believed and told myself throughout my life to hide who I really am.......a GIRL.

    Ironic. I was SHOCKED. I heard and saw all kinds of beautiful and sensual sounds and pictures. (Hallusinations.)I was a daisy. I had female wiring. Amazing! I was scared.
    Today I am a healthy-headed woman. I no longer hear voices. They've stopped. I guess because I've stopped hating gays and hating myself. I am my true self. The person I was runing from is the person that I am. True.
    Today, instead of my stone cold macho days, I am finally real. I have a heart. My parents suport me, and so do my sibblings.
    I amm happy.
    Months before I was born, my parents and doctors new I would be a boy. But on the day of my birth, a nurse did an ultrasound again. The nurse said her electronical equipment was reading me as a girl. Heart rate and everything. THe nurse got excited and said she would do an amniosentesis. Only she took the serum form my head.

    Yes, I was a lab rat while in my mothers womb. Today I have a hole in my head. I'm 29 years old. It took years and years of courage and honesty to become a transgender. People fear what they don't know. I educated myself.
    The point is: a person can only treat others the way they treat themselves. The most intimate conection to another human being is themself. If you respect yourself, then you'll respect others. Secure people don't have the time and energy to harass others because it is against there nature. They are happy people. Happy people don't find the need to boost there self esteem by hurting others. When insecure poeple look for others to hurt and harass, believe me, the real problem is NOT where they are pointing.

    Posted on 3:15 PM

  74. Anonymous Said,

    Wow, that's awesome! He did it good! Looks quite like a woman on the last pic. Good job of plastic sergants! There are a lot of gossip stuff in the internet telling people like this girl was a man before or that one... but i think it's not possible to make such a woman from a man!

    Posted on 12:15 PM

  75. Anonymous Said,

    sigh i see this dribble and it reasserts that humanity has no hope and we are doomed to perish in our own waste and stupidity...

    live how u want not how your told

    Posted on 8:27 PM

  76. Anonymous Said,

    Why am I not surprised that this comment section is full of transphobia and sexism?

    Posted on 3:28 AM

  77. Anonymous Said,

    Ummmm....actually the correct header for this string shoulda been (Lana) Wachowskis' GENDER change. "Sex" is a biological indicator, whereas "Gender" is how we express our feelings, present ourselves, and (a novel concept in this string) how we think. Since nobody has photos of LANAs' private areas, as far as I'm concerned, Lana hasn't had a Sex Change.

    Very pretty in a normal kinda way!!

    Good for her!!! And, yes, she looks much happier in the later photos. When I went through my transition, I also felt like I had finally become my "True Self" (innuendo for the knowing), and I'm now enjoying the second half of my life as I was meant to.

    "Body Mutilation?" I don't think so; probably more along the lines of "Body Alignment".

    And, yes, there seem to be a lot of comments from the haters...guess they have their issues. Lets just leave them in their gutter. Transgender folk seem to have a higher level of creativeness; we have to in order to deal with the haters in the world.

    Good luck Lana!! Bis hugs!!!

    -Tracee in NYC

    Posted on 10:35 PM

  78. Anonymous Said,

    Wow... you people would believe anything, wouldn't you?

    I've got some seaside property in Arizona, if any of you are interested.

    Posted on 9:40 AM

  79. Anonymous Said,

    Brava for Lana. It's challenging enough to do this, all the moreso when you have the papparazzi snapping your photos.

    Posted on 11:35 AM

  80. Anonymous Said,

    WRONG. this is untrue. Google it up on a more recently updated site.

    Posted on 5:56 AM

  81. Anonymous Said,

    This Blog is really nice and helpful. We hope our post will be useful for all visitors of this prestigious blog.

    Posted on 9:30 AM

  82. Anonymous Said,

    This Blog is really nice and helpful. We hope our post will be useful for all visitors of this prestigious blog.

    Posted on 9:31 AM

  83. Anonymous Said,

    Good Job!

    Posted on 10:05 AM

  84. Anonymous Said,

    C'mon, guys, stop spreading trash. If you research this properly you'd see this is completely false. (Go to ANY other website, and they all debunk these rumors.) You can tell the author of this article is making things up because neither of the Wachowskis have EVER done any publicity for any of their movies-- no interviews or photos allowed (those photos posted were taken by fans).

    Get over it, people.

    Posted on 9:03 AM

  85. Anonymous Said,

    who gives a shit what the brothers do, as long as they keep on making good films its all good.

    Viva la Matrix !

    Posted on 2:51 AM

  86. Anonymous Said,

    im gettin a sex change when i turn 20 i cant wait

    Posted on 8:23 PM

  87. Anonymous Said,

    who gives a crap if he wants to be a she?

    did they give Sophia Stewart any royalties for stealing the matrix trilogy frome her screenplay called the 3rd eye?


    have they given her anything? even credit?

    well uuhhhh, i think there are bigger issues than his sexual orientation/perversion/aversions/conversions etc.

    Posted on 12:35 AM

  88. Anonymous Said,

    You know, we (humans) don't get a whole lot of time on this planet, and none of us can say with absolute conviction that we experience anything after we go. I have faith that we do, but that's another discussion. Our lives for the most part are not easy. We struggle, we cry, we feel self doubt, we try to fit in, we laugh, we feel joy. Only two of those things feel good.... So why, in Gods name, do so many of us try to foster the bad feelings in lieu of accepting people and lending a friendly hand of acceptance and encouragement to our fellow travellers in life? Life isn't easy, for anyone, Hollywood or not. Were here and we die in a blink of the universes eye. It seems to me the only thing worth doing while we're here is to help each other out. If we can give someone else just a minute of feeling joy or feeling like they fit in, I think we've done a good job. I don't care if Larry wants to get a dolphinoplasty (thanks South Park!). I might think it's weird, but I haven't walked in his shoes and I don't know what makes him happy, so I encourage it. He's not hurting anybody. And I'm not even a fan of any of his movies.

    Posted on 12:11 PM


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