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The full trailer for Toy Story 3 has arrived!


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All new Star Trek trailer hits the net!

Posted by Jason Triplett
So word is that the new Trek trailer was SUPPOSED to be in front of Watchmen, but many theaters nationwide do not have this particular trailer even in their movie house...which leads us to wonder what the hell happened?Well, thanks to someone out there in internet land, we now have the full NEW trailer for the upcoming J.J. Abrahms epic remake-quel, and you can see it below in all it's awesome glo...

Christian Bale rant: Batman Edition!

Posted by Jason Triplett
Check out this hilarious animated short exploring what Christian Bale's rant would have looked like on the set of Batm...

Twilight Saga: New Moon posters! Real?

Posted by Jason Triplett
First, I'll show you the posters, which are causing quite a buzz.Pretty nice, right? Well our source tell us that these are not the official posters, but something a fan made. Dissapointing. However, this was one talented fan! Perhaps the marketing director should speak with whomever made them. Anyways, our source also tells us the official...

Depp's Public Enemies poster hits the net!

Posted by Jason Triplett
Here you go, first look at the official poster from Johnny Depp's new pilm "Public Enemies"! Enj...

Set photos from Zombie's H2 leaked!

Posted by Jason Triplett
Yesterday we brought you two official photo stills from Rob Zombie's sequel-remake H2. Today, we have a crapload of unofficial stills leaked straight off the set! Enjoy, and stay tuned for mo...

All new Terminator Salvation trailer LEAKED!

Posted by Jason Triplett

Amazing virtuoso plays Final Fantasy on two guitars at once!

Posted by Jason Triplett
Korean virtuoso Zack Kim is one of the best musicians in the world. He plays dual melodies on two guitars AT THE SAME TIME! This guy is absolutely amazing. You have never seen anything like this before... If you don't believe me, watch these two videos I have selected from his collection.FINAL FANTASY CHOCOBO THEMEFUR ELISEYou can see Zack Kim at one of his official websites listed below:http://zackkim.blogspot.comhttp://www....

One day later, Killzone 2 devs changed their mind about controls?

Posted by Jason Triplett
We already gave you a statement from a Killzone 2 dev stating the controls were perfect and that nothing was going to change. Now just one day later, it seems they may be changing their mind. The following was posted this morning by a different dev:"Boostwe've identified and fixed the bug to do with the boost medal not being awarded. It will go into a patch we are working on at present, but there is a workaround in the mean time...

Killzone devs make a statement about the horrid controls!

Posted by Jason Triplett
Guerrilla Games released a statement regarding the horrid controls of Killzone 2, and it is not gonna make you happy. Basically GG is telling you all to fuck off, it's all in your head."After carefully looking into this, reading the posts, talking to a lot of you directly and analysing the controls at GG we have come to the conclusion that there are no changes required to the system. If at all, any changes to the controls would...

More photo leaks for Cameron's Avatar!

Posted by Jason Triplett
We've already talked about this film, in fact we brought you an early shot of the film's alien species. Today, we bring you an awesome photo from the set, one of an alien tree from the backlot, and an all new, cleaner image of the film's alien species via concept art, which looks exactly like the shot we showed you before! Enj...

Rob Zombie releases new images from H2!

Posted by Jason Triplett
I actually liked Zombie's remake, unlike the many ravenous reviewers...perhaps because I expected a lot less from it. Regardless of all that, Zombie is hard at work on the second one, and via his blog, released these photos as a preview of the new film. Enj...

District 9 Viral campaign kicks up!

Posted by Jason Triplett
If you were at Comic-con, you probably saw a lot of stuff from the upcoming sci-film District 9 (aka D-9). Well, we aren't too sure what to make of this film, other than it seems to be based off of the director's previous short film about aliens in South Africa. Here is that film:The marketing for District 9 definately leads into that. Look...

Ninja Assassin is COMING!

Posted by Jason Triplett
The Wachowski produced action epic NINJA ASSASSIN, shown at this last year's Comic-Con, is on it's way to theaters! We have been given a very vague June 1st 2009 release date, but our close source tells us the film may actually hit the US sooner, possibly mid-May.For those living under a rock, this film is a Wachowski labor of love, much...

Killzone 2 booster stats to be wiped? Official statement from Guerrilla Games!

Posted by Jason Triplett
Since many people haven't been able to even load up the seriously slow and poorly designed Killzone 2 website, I decided to post this here. Ebolt recently wrote the following:"Hey Killzone players! We launched a hotfix patch today and you guys might be wondering why we took out bots! Let me explain in FAQ form!Online bots were cool, why take them out?They were cool indeed! However, players started using them to 'pad' their stats...

Blog Archive

Spider-Man reboot gets a date...and 3-D!

Posted by Jason Triplett

Toy Story 3 gets a full trailer!

Posted by Jason Triplett

New shots from the set of Predators!

Posted by Jason Triplett

Tyrese to Transform once more!

Posted by Jason Triplett

Star Trek Online gets HUGE endgame update!

Posted by Jason Triplett